Saturday, April 28, 2012


An Introduction to Coffeepot Cooking:How I Lost 101 pounds with Portioned Controlled Meals

 This is much more than a book about cooking in my coffeepot. When I hit 245, my daughter, and her cousin, ganged up on me and threatened to cancel future family vacations unless I lost weight. I was being forced by them to learn to cook portion controlled meals for one person and, lose 40 pounds. This is my story. It is how I ultimately lost 101 pounds cooking in my coffeepot and kept it off.
When I started thinking about coffeepot cooking for making portion controlled making meals for one person, I discovered that many other people had addressed various cooking issues by using a coffeepot. The reasons others had engaged in coffeepot cooking are discussed in the first chapter.
As a scientist, I did not start cooking in my coffeepot until I studied everything I could find and I found contempt for the method based on the safety concerns of people who had never tried it. These fear driven comments are almost comical in the hindsight of having cooked in my coffee pot for more than two years without any personal adverse effects and having the positive benefit of adapting to portion controlled meals and losing 100 pounds. Safety concerns are addressed in the second chapter but it should be obvious that being 100 pounds overweight is less healthy than coffeepot cooking.
During those two years, I cooked hundreds of meals in my coffeepot and have been very satisfied with the results. Many of the recipes were adapted from crockpot recipes or based on my professional cooking experience and family traditions. Very simple recipes are included in Chapter three I am sure that once you enjoy cooking, you too will be able to adapt recipes to the tools available, including your coffeepot.
This book is also about my personal journey to lose 100 pounds and go from morbidly obese at 265 pounds to slightly overweight at 165. Actually, the starting point of cooking in my coffeepot was 245 but I had been 265 in the recent past. The path I took may not work for you, but the diet principles are universal. I needed to cook portion controlled meals and scale back dramatically on the amount I was cooking and eating. In my case, I chose to cook in my coffeepot and prepare much smaller portions than I had done all my life. I would only eat the carefully pre-weighed portion I put in the pot after a light breakfast when I wasn't hungry and when I came home, the meal would be cooked and ready when I was hungry.
The final chapters of this book are based on excerpts from my blog documenting my near obsession in losing 100 pounds to return to more human proportions instead of trying to compete with Jabba the Hutt in a fat man contest. If you have friends or family who might benefit from this knowledge, be sure to send them a copy of this book. This happens to be a fun way of cooking for all young and adventuresome people and the young at heart.
Have fun and enjoy fine food – just less of it!

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